Jessica Lanyadoo shares what's in store for you this February!
Lanyadoo, Jessica “February 2019.” Web blog post. www.lovelanyadoo.com. Lanyadoo, January 29th, 2019. Web. January, 29th, 2019
JAN. 20-FEB. 18
Ready or not, it’s time for some big, meaningful, and far-reaching changes in your life. The new moon in your sign on Feb 4 will bring something about, and your job isn’t to plan for it or control it as much as to greet it, Aquarius. Adapting to your shifting circumstances will be easier if you know what you are willing to do, versus what lies outside of your integrity. For best results, don’t allow yourself to degenerate into knee-jerk reactions in the heat of the moment this month.
FEB. 19-MARCH 20
Find the affirmative in your boundaries this month, not because it will make it easier to assert yourself in the direction you want, but it’ll get you there with less drama. The full moon in your relationship house on Feb 19 is likely to kick up some meaningful interpersonal drama, but this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Deal directly with your relationships so that everyone knows where they stand and can make their choices from there.
Sitting with the contents of your heart is a vulnerable thing to do, but it’s ultimately the most productive approach to your life this month. It’s time to let go, but it’s not fully in your control. Things have changed of their own accord, and you need to make internal adjustments to cope with that. Don’t rush your progress; your heart is a part worth protecting, Aries. Treat it with the care that it deserves.
When you take on others’ opinions of you as gospel, you not only hurt yourself but you lose yourself in the process. This month you can expect people and situations to take you by surprise, but this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You may have to be the “bigger person,” or you may need to cut your losses, but you can trust that it’s all for the best. You’re learning what’s real and what’s not so that you can make better choices, sweet Taurus.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
Take heart, Twin Star. Your worries are just that—anxious thoughts and feelings. It’s important that you make space for them without treating them as facts, or even as intuition. You are ready to move through some pretty big hurdles this month, and as you do, old and limiting beliefs are going to rear their heads and try to hold you back. You’re ready for change, and the only way to it is through it, my love.
No matter what you do, when you aren’t rooted in your own foundations, you’re unlikely to feel at ease. Get anchored in your intentions, your plans, and what you’re actually doing, Moonchild. It’s important that you celebrate your successes as much as you lament your failings, not only because your accolades are worthy of your attention, but because when your confidence is bolstered, you become more resilient. Pursue the joy and adventure that is in the nooks and crannies of your life and in the world all around you.
JULY 23-AUG. 22
When you’re in a good mood, the unknown is mysterious, and then it’s a liability when you’re feeling down. This month will challenge you to look at your problems from a higher vantage point than you’ve been seeing them from, Leo. You have more choice than it feels like you do. While there’s much that you can’t know, you can choose how you hold what you do know. In this moment, what actions and attitudes are you willing to invest in?VIRGO
AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
Rely on your powers of discretion when you would rather judge this month. The full moon in your sign on February 19 is a momentous time in 2019 for you, Virgo. This energy is excellent for helping you to finally let go. Leading up to that point, spend the month looking honestly at your relationship to fear, frustration, and perfectionism. This is a time when you can decide to engage with your fears differently, if only in small ways, my love.
SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
Don’t act out of your most base instincts, Libra, because they’ll bring you more of the same. It can be hard to stand your ground without defensiveness, or to own your rights without veering into entitlement, but it’s not at all impossible. If you’re willing to own the parts of your motivations that are messy, you can work to clean them up. If you are willing to acknowledge the role that fear is playing in your attitudes, your can unpack and change them. You’ve got this.
OCT. 23-NOV. 21
It’s especially important that you honor your integrity as you build toward your goals, whether you’re laying the foundation or in view of the finish line. True leadership is not about barking orders or amassing power; it’s about the synthesis of your goals, actions, environment, and the people around you. If you are able to take a powerful yet metered approach to owning your place at the table, you’ll find yourself moving in exactly the right direction this month.
NOV. 22-DEC. 21
You’ve overextended yourself, and it’s weighing on you, my love. Whether you’ve taken on too much in your personal or your professional life, it’s time to get grounded, take stock of what you’re doing, consider the wisdom in it, and figure out what to do next. You’re likely to find that you need to prioritize to be more effective, so here’s a pro tip to help you with that: prioritizing your survival-based needs supports the foundation that all of your other goals must be built upon.