So we all have been there, deciding if you want to check a bag or if you want to tackle the impossible task of packing a weeks worth of clothes in a carry on. It is inevitable for me to over pack but I am here to tell you, it is not impossible! All you will need is a little bit of patience, a carry on bag, and an open mind to take on the task.
First things first, make sure you have a durable carry on suitcase. I love a rolling suitcase because it’s easiest for me while traveling and I can stack my (overly large) purse on top of it while I am making my way through the crowd of people. Tag it with one of our key chains to ensure you always grab the right bag!
A larger purse is always a great option when traveling with “one suitcase”. You can put smaller items in your purse that will take up room in your carry on, and this also gives you easier access to things you might need throughout the travel day.
Next, choose your clothes wisely. You do not need that dress you bought a year ago that still has the tag on it; I promise you will not wear it! If you know it will be cold, wear your jacket on you instead of packing it so it doesn’t take up precious space in your bag.
Now comes the fun part, organizing your clothes and toiletries in a way that will allow you to just barely zip your bag closed. Rolling your clothes and folding items into each other will maximize your space. Put your socks inside your shoes to make sure they keep their form. Put your (airline approved) toiletries into a zip locked baggie so they don’t explode or make a mess inside of your bag.
Tip- if there is something you can’t live without but it is too large to travel with, either ship it to you destination or buy it when you get there.
Lastly- if this is just way too stressful and time consuming, just check your bag and call it a day, at least you tried and you can try again in the future.
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