Jessica Lanyadoo shares what's in store for you this November!
Lanyadoo, Jessica “November 2019.” Web blog post. www.lovelanyadoo.com. Lanyadoo, October 31st, 2019. Web. October, 31st, 2019
JAN. 20-FEB. 18
Relationships are complicated: They grow and change without any assurances, and it’s hard to know what’s right. This month you may need to let go of an outworn dynamic—but not the whole relationship—and change your expectations, so your collective progress doesn’t feel forced. Whatever it looks like, this is your moment to adapt, Aquarius. Slow down and compassionately consider what your next moves need to be.
FEB. 19-MARCH 20
You’re likely to find yourself confronted with some growing concerns this month—a few of which you’d be wise to consider, but many of which are just the consequences of changes that have been long developing. Don’t let your fears tell you that things are worse than they are! Be patient as you strive to uncover what’s happening within yourself, so you can decide how to best handle the situations you find yourself having to manage this month.
This month your challenge is to sit with stress, instead of act based upon it. The way to bring peace to what’s upsetting you requires you to properly identify and understand it, before anything else. In your rush to prove to yourself (or others) that you can get things solved quickly, you run the risk of making assumptions and building a not-completely-true story from there. Be interested in your own feelings and the circumstances that are triggering them, Aries.
Practice embodying your boundaries instead of trying to convince others to take care of them for you, Taurus. If you need space, give yourself space without needing the approval of others. November is a bit complicated for you, relationship-wise, and the best way to deal with it is head-on. Show up honestly and let others do the same. Peace doesn’t only come from happy feels—it comes from acceptance and the ability to be present here and now. It’s a practice worth taking on, dear Taurus.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
The middle ground is a beautiful place, but it’s not always possible or healthy to spend your time there. If the space between you and someone else is too great, it can be too much of a compromise to find the midpoint. Or if all parties don’t agree on where the middle is in the first place, you’re totally out of luck. Be realistic about the people you’re dealing with and where everyone is coming from, Twin Star. It’s only in this way that you can find the resolutions you seek.
Mercury is retrograde until November 20, and because of this, November is likely to be a tricky time for understanding where others are coming from, as well as making your intentions clear. People are weird! They can say one thing and mean another; disappear one week, and be needy the next. Even still, we’re all people, and we’re all weird in our own ways. Be patient with relational messiness this month, Moonchild.
JULY 23-AUG. 22
Hold a thing too tightly and you risk breaking it. This month will test your ability to love without attachments, invest without demands, and try without conditions. The trick is to align with your central ambitions, and to let go of how you want things to look. November *can* mark a time when you turn a corner emotionally, so that your approach is more sustainable and humane—but that’s on you. Let go to hold on, Leo.
AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
There’s no value in pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion—sacrificing yourself doesn’t help you to sustain your efforts. Check your ego at the door and get honest about what you can and can’t do in a healthy way, Virgo. You may need to lay down some boundaries, or just say no to some things for the time being. Be strong enough to assert yourself, and kind enough to do it in a kind and nurturing way this month.
SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
The little things in life often pile up in such a way that it’s easy to lose perspective. No matter what it seems like now, how you respond to pressure is more important than the little things that are bugging you, Libra. Your defense mechanisms are a distraction that can get you into trouble if you’re not mindful about them this month. Strive to honor your word to others, and your self-care commitments to yourself, my love.
OCT. 23-NOV. 21
You may find yourself spinning out of control, restlessly researching things that you don’t know—whether that’s a result of imposter syndrome, insecurity, or something else, is up to you. However, with Mercury retrograde in your sign this month, it’s an excellent time for reassessing and reviewing what you do know. Slow down and consider what beliefs are motivating you, and how that impacts the way you’re approaching your goals. Don’t obsess over details in a way that takes you further from the truth instead of closer to it. Stay aligned with the big picture, Scorpio.
NOV. 22-DEC. 21
Step into your power without leaving your higher self behind, Sagittarius. This month may find you turned around by too much happening at once. This isn’t the time for stepping around your beliefs or putting others down as a way to make yourself feel better. Use your ego to pick yourself up—not to run over others. True power is collaborative and generous in nature, my love.
DEC. 22-JAN. 19
If you’ve taken on too much recently, you may find yourself in the unfortunate position of not being able to do it all. Ideally, you shouldn’t have to sabotage your well-being in the efforts to follow through with *all* of your commitments. While you may not be able to have balance this month, you can strive to remember your priorities. Don’t allow your fear of not doing or having enough stop you from enjoying the abundance that’s in your life right now, Capricorn.
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