Mentally preparing for a long day of travel is exhausting! No one likes to sit in airports or cars for long periods of time when all they can think about is their final destination. The night before a long day of traveling can be crucial to ensure your trip away from your everyday life is as fab as it can be. Here are a few tips to make sure you’re out the door and on your way to paradise with ease.
Make a packing list! It seems very summer camp-ish to make a checklist of everything you need, but this will give you some guidance on what to pack and what you can leave behind. Be sure not to forget to pack a sleep mask!
Don’t pack the morning of your flight; odds are you will forget something important! Instead, start packing small items that you don’t usually use every day a few days before you hunker down and fully pack everything else.
Get a full night of sleep! I may sound like your mother, but no one has ever started a story that ended well with “I got on a flight last week straight from the bar…”
Set multiple alarms. No one likes the sound of their alarm in the morning, but what’s worse than that is missing your flight and the sound of the customer service hold music while you’re waiting to rebook a new flight.