This summer everyone is dripping in highlight and flaunting their glowy skin. There are a million and one products you can buy to make you look glowy and dewy from makeup to skincare. Ill let you in on a little secret to help boost your radiance this summer, with only 2 easy and important things…
I know you already know that drinking water is good for you, but it is by far one the most important ingredients for glowy, healthy skin, especially when its hot outside! Hydrated skin looks plump and supple, meaning your Anastasia Beverly Hills highlight pallet will glide on effortlessly in the morning when you do your makeup.
I am also sure you’ve heard it a million times that sleep is the best way to cure most things, be it a hangover, a cold or dull skin. Most people don’t get the right amount of sleep they need, thus meaning their skin isn’t as radiant and refreshed as it can be. Sleeping on a silk pillowcase and also using a silk eye mask nightly will benefit your skin, causing it to be radiant and fresh.