This time of year calls for a lot of parties, but did you know there is a fine art

Sleep Better (Before & After)
Use your Perpetual Shade sleep mask to get a good night’s sleep the night before the party, as well as the night after. You want to be your most rested self so you can be alert and on your A Game by day and charming at the office party by night
Dress To Impress (Not to date)
If your office holiday party is not a seated dinner be sure to eat a small dinner before you attend. Passed hors d'oeuvres typically means you won’t eat as much as you are mingling and drinking. Beware of drinking on an empty stomach!
Seltzer & Lime is Your New Best Friend
What looks like a gin & tonic, but doesn’t put you on your ass? A handy party trick to avoid over drinking is alternating every other drink with a seltzer & lime. Limit your intake to 1 alcoholic drink per hour of the party. Remember, you are here to climb that ladder dear, so put your best foot forward.
Drink Like a Lefty
Weird thought, but if you hold your glass in your left hand, your right hand is consistently dry and free to shake hands while you work the room. It’s these details are what make you stand out from the crowd.
Bring Your Wingman
Many holiday office parties include a plus one for significant others, this means your partner can make an impression in your favor. Use them as an excuse to open a conversation with some upper level executives. Chat about the great direction the company is taking and feel no need to toot your own horn, rather find common interests between you instead. This will be conversation openers for future hallway passings after the holidays.
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