Halloween is around the corner and now is the time to come up with a creative idea for your costume. Need inspiration for something simple you can make at home? Here are 10 easy Halloween costumes to make your night spectacular.

- Cat Woman
The ultimate in chic and simple when it comes to easy Halloween costumes. To channel your inner Michelle Pfeiffer (the best Catwoman of all time), all you need is black tight clothes (leather recommended), your favorite black heeled boots, and a few easy accessories like cat ears, a mask, and a utility belt.
- Cute French Mime
Obsessed with all things French? Go as the cute and classic French mime. Don your classic striped shirt, chic black pants, white gloves and black beret. Bonus to paint your face white and bust a few mime moves!
- Desperate Housewife
Always felt Bree Van de Kamp was your spirit animal? Here’s a reason to buy those expensive pajamas you’ve been eyeing AND be comfortable with this easy Halloween costume. We recommend keeping it classier than you were in your college days with a full length elegant robe and top it off with your favorite Perpetual Shade sleep mask. The best part is you are already ready for bed too!

- Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's
We’ve all seen the little black dress and pearls costume. Been there, done that. For a creative Halloween costume, channel your inner Audrey while showing off your classic Hollywood knowledge with an even better version of Holly Golightly (and our favorite). Find an oversized white men’s collared shirt, bedazzle some earplugs, and sport your Perpetual Shade eyelash sleep mask.

- Witch
No matter how old you are, a witch costume works , and the grown up version is the best! Wear your most flattering little black dress, black tights, and your pointiest black heels. Don’t forget your broom to fly away.
- Ghost
The ultimate in easy Halloween costume ideas and we don’t mean a sheet with 2 holes cut out. Have some fun deciding your outfit, pick something you’ve been looking for an excuse to wear. Add white stage makeup to your face (and any visible skin) and voila! Ghost! Bonus points for white hair spray paint too.
- Old Married Couple
This is an excellent creative Halloween costume idea for couples. You can wear senior citizen popular clothes, we recommend the bedroom look for extra humor. Choose a polyester moomoo and a flannel robe for the mister, bedroom slippers, and a Perpetual Shade colorful sleep mask and hair cap. Gray your hair with white spray paint, place in curlers, and add a walker for extra commitment.

- Scarecrow
If fall warm tones are more your jam , throw on your favorite flannel, jeans, a floppy hat, for this easy Halloween costume. Scarecrow face paint is a must to make it look like a costume, and if you are really going all out, add some straw poking out of your pockets and sleeves.
- Kate Middleton
10. Crazy Cat Lady
If you prefer the funny and creative halloween costume, crazy cat ladies never disappoint. Select a cat print pajama set and housecoat, messy hair and as many plush cats as you can creatively attach to your outfit! Pick your favorite Perpetual Shade eye mask for extra pizazz.

Whether it’s taking the kids trick or treating or a night out with the girls, these creative Halloween costumes are sure to impress and easy to accomplish, and we are happy to help. For more fun ideas and exclusive offers, be sure to subscribe to our email list.