See what October has in store with this horoscope courtesy of Jessica Lanyadoo!
Lanyadoo, Jessica “October 2018.” Web blog post. Lanyadoo, September 30th, 2018. Web. September, 30th, 2018
JAN. 20-FEB. 18
Act as though anything is possible, even when you’re scared it isn’t. When you’re feeling uncertain of the path ahead is when you most need to be flexible and open. Strive to remain open in the face of challenges that make you want to dig in your heels, Aquarius. You’re being challenged to live in new, more sustainable ways, and that will take emotional presence, time, and practice to achieve. Just do your best, my love.
FEB. 19-MARCH 20
Getting where you want to be doesn’t have to be a struggle against where you are, Pisces. Each step is part of the journey, even the dumb ones. Take your time and be gentle with your progress this month. Try to create space in your thinking to validate and appreciate what you’ve got. Being grateful for where you’re at can only help you get to where you want to be more gracefully.
The new moon in your relationship house on the October 8 is a powerful time for you to remember who you are and what you care about, Aries. This month is meant to confront you with the idea of savings; are you conserving your finances for the future? Are you holding onto relationships because of what they once were, even if they’re no longer flowing? It’s time to let go; bring care and consideration to what you release, my love.
Your ruling planet goes retrograde on October 5 (and will stay there until November the 16), and you can expect things to feel upsetting because of it. The good news is that you need some upsets in your life; it’s the only way that you’ll look at the messy truth of your relationships and own your part. Taurus. Look within for the answers, and then shift your behavior accordingly. You’re ready for this, my love.
MAY 21-JUNE 21
It’s time to pick a lane and stay in it for a while, my love. You’ve been running in too many directions without a clear plan, and it’s exhausting. Instead of trying to do it all, try to do the most important things really well. Try to be ready to let some attachments that have actually been getting in the way of your progress go by the time the full moon comes around on October 24. True growth and change comes from the inside out, Twin Star.
It’s time to call in the big guns this month: courage, empathy, and motivation. You’re ready to lay new foundations in spite of your fears, of past hurts, and even other people’s opinions. Take risks that feed your heart, reflect your soul, and allow you to be more of the person that you want to be. October will come with its fair share of dramas and upsets, but the only thing you need to manage is your response to each thing as it comes, dear Moonchild.
JULY 23-AUG. 22
The full moon on October 24 marks a major shift in your relationship to your career or conscious goals. The best thing that you can do is to spend the start of the month leading up to that date seeking to better understand what you want, Leo. Being willful is a powerful thing, but sometimes you’ve got to yield. Things are changing, and if you try to control the changes before you understand them, you’re likely to create new, totally confusing problems for yourself.VIRGO
AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
There are some contradicting themes at play for you this month, Virgo. You’re both dealing with exhaustion, and totally energized. You’re both feeling inspired, and totally stuck. The key is to seek the potential in your situation instead of the limitations. Yes, you have to work to make it happen, but you also have so much support available to you if you’re willing to see it. Cultivate healthy boundaries within yourself so that you can make the most of what you’ve got.
SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
This month your ruling planet, Venus, is retrograde, and this makes it an excellent time for slowing down and looking within. How you manage your finances is a reflection of your value system, so take the time to reflect on your actions. This retrograde can mark a time when you turn a corner in your relationship to money, but it won’t happen on its own; do the work to understand your behavior so that you can change what isn’t working, Libra.
OCT. 23-NOV. 21
Things are changing, and not totally of your own making, Scorpio. You’re not meant to have it all figured out, you’re meant to grow and learn. Try to seek understanding, and not answers; to develop your connections, instead of directing them. The best way for you to respond to the unexpected is with open interest and curiosity. You’re on the verge of a new way of being. Don’t rush it or make the mistake of assuming limitations.
NOV. 22-DEC. 21
You’re likely to have unexpected opportunities arise from even the most upsetting of circumstances this month, Sagittarius. But there’s so much unrest in the world around you that it would be unwise to assume that you know how things are going to land. Experiment with new ways of doing things, and hold space for twists of fate. You get to co-create your life, so do your best to see the potential in even the most annoying of things.
DEC. 22-JAN. 19
You’re ready to do the things that you’ve been putting off, to challenge yourself, and to make life-affirming choices. The astrology of this month is helping you to actualize your hopes and goals, but you’ve got to put in the work. Approach your goals in new ways, question your old stories, and explore the potential that you see available to you. The tried and true is valuable, but this is the time for experimentation, Capricorn.
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